Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae | 日本 - 东京

111-0051 東京都, Taito-ku Kuramae 4-20-7, 日本

➤ Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae | 东京

預訂Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae可享 Genius 折扣!只要登入,預訂此住宿即可省一筆。

Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae 位於東京,設有空調客房,距離 Kuramae Jinja Shrine 200 公尺,距離 Kuramae Mizu no Yakata 600 公尺,距離 Eiken-ji Temple 700 公尺。



Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae 附近的人氣景點包括 World Bags and Luggage Museum、 Honpo-ji Temple 和 Jinnai Shrine。最近的機場是東京羽田機場,距離這間住宿 21 公里。

Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae 的房间选择

Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae 的服務

停車場 無停車設施。
網路 住宿方不提供網路。
寵物 住宿方允許客人攜帶寵物入住,但需事先提出請求。 住宿方可能會收取額外費用。
廚房 公共廚房
臥室 床單
衛浴 衛生紙, 毛巾, 浴缸或淋浴, 拖鞋, 私人衛浴, 廁所, 免費盥洗用品, 吹風機, 浴缸
客房設施 地毯
公共區域 公共休息區/電視區
餐飲服務 咖啡店(館內), 酒/香檳 另外收費
迎賓接待服務 可提供發票, 行李寄存
清潔服務 洗衣 另外收費
其他 吸菸區, 空調, 全面禁菸, 暖氣, 隔音客房, 電梯, 家庭房, 禁菸客房
安全 滅火器, 住宿外設有監視器, 公共區域設有監視器, 偵煙探測器, 警報器, 鑰匙進出
使用的語言 英語, 日語, 中文

Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae 酒店條件

入住時間 15:00 至 23:00
退房時間 10:00 前
預訂取消/ 預付政策 取消和預付款政策根據各種住宿類型而有所不同。 請輸入您的入住日期並參閱您所需的客房的條款。
孩童加床選項 歡迎任何年齡的孩童入住
年齡不限 此住宿無入住年齡限制
接受的付款方式 不接受現金付款 Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae接受上列信用卡並有權於抵達前暫時保留部分款項。
吸菸政策 禁止吸菸
派對 禁止舉行派對/活動
須放低音量的時段 住客必須在 23:00~7:00 放低音量
寵物 住宿方允許客人攜帶寵物入住,但需事先提出請求。 住宿方可能會收取額外費用。

For guests with pets:

Pets are only allowed in quadruple room with bathroom #602, triple room with balcony #701 and #702.

A maximum of two pets are allowed per room.

Dogs up to medium size and cats are welcome.

Pet accommodation fee will be charged separately on site.

Small pets: 2750 yen per pet per night

Medium-sized pets: 3300 yen per pet per night

There's no elevator access to the 7th & 8th floors. Guests will need to use the stairs from the 6th floor and up.

請提前告知Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae您預計抵達的時間。您可以在訂房時使用特殊要求方框通知對方,或透過確認函上提供的聯絡資料直接與住宿處聯繫。


23:00:00~07:00:00 必須放低音量

雖然此住宿提供超過一個月的長天數住宿, 並非提供住客租賃合約。故參與此方案之所有住客均不會享有如同該住宿承租人的任何權利與利益,且仍應受適用的飯店住宿/短期住宿條款與條件規範。


OYO ホテル ココロイン 浅草蔵前 Asakusa

Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae

What is the average price to stay at Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae?

The average price is 59 usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates.


Good evening! Do you accept credit card?

Good evening! We accept credit card. Thank you

How is the pet (small dog) facilities for tomorrow 16th and what are the check in and check out times?

Thank you for the message. The #602#701#702 are "Dog friendly" room. There will be extra 3,000 yen/day for 1 small dog's stay. The check in time is after PM3.The check out time is till Am10. Hope it helps!

Is pet allowed to stay at room alone?

Yes. the pet allowed with cage stay at room. Thank you!

Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae 100% 真实评论


旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae,您会强调什么
There only few hotels that accept pets. This one is a good choice for those who want to bring dog or cat with. I stayed at #702, and the space was very good. I could use a 126cmX126cm pet cage to my dog, so it could stay comfortable. I have no complains. Price is good, location is good, and the staff are not invasive as others hotels.
旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae,您会强调什么
旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae,您会强调什么
旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae,您会强调什么
Very Good

Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae 附近
日本 / 东京


Torin-ji Temple Torin-ji Temple
0.3 miles
Kaminarimon Kaminarimon
0.5 miles
Asakusabashi Station Asakusabashi Station
0.5 miles
Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center
0.6 miles
Ryogoku Kokugikan National Sumo Stadium Ryogoku Kokugikan National Sumo Stadium
0.6 miles


Ueno Station Ueno Station
1 miles
Tokyo Skytree Tokyo Skytree
1.2 miles
Tokyo Station Tokyo Station
2.1 miles
Japan Imperial Palace Japan Imperial Palace
2.5 miles
Tokyo Tower Tokyo Tower
4.1 miles

Connections & Popular Places of interest

Sensoji Temple

Mountain Sensoji Temple Mountain
0.6 miles
Tokyo International Airport Tokyo International Airport
10.3 miles
Narita International Airport Narita International Airport
33.7 miles
Ibaraki Airport Ibaraki Airport
48.1 miles



- Hotel Cocoro Inn Asakusa Kuramae -

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